Category «Uncategorized»

Do discretionary and essential spending and markets apply to localism?

Question:  Will the concepts of discretionary and essential spending and markets apply in localism when the economy is based on families and extended families? ChatGPT Yes, even in a localism-based economy centred around families and extended families, the concepts of discretionary and essential spending and markets would still apply. Here’s how: Discretionary and Essential Spending: …

Thinking about the future

When thinking about the future, the following facts have to be taken into account: The climate is changing and will continue to do so. Fossil fuels and derivatives will become increasingly expensive and unaffordable. The UK economy is shrinking and will continue to do so indefinitely. As a result: Prosperity is declining. Discretionary spending and …

The Great Simplification

In my advanced years, I find an increasing desire to understand the evolving dynamics of our world. Much of the knowledge accumulated over my 86 years has become outdated, prompting me to reflect on my journey, current state, and the potential future of the planet. The Great Simplification is a podcast which is a source …

Welcome and Greetings

A growing influx of newcomers has recently subscribed to the blog, and I warmly welcome each of you. The blog’s popularity seems to be spreading rapidly, and one could speculate that it mirrors a broader awareness that the economy is undergoing a profound shift, departing from its traditional trajectory of perpetual growth. In his …

Mos Maiorum and Its Relevance to Modern Society: Rome’s Unwritten Code

Copied from the Naked Emperor Newsletter In ancient Rome, the term “mos maiorum” represented the unwritten code of conduct that shaped Roman culture and identity. Translated as “the way of the ancestors,” mos maiorum encompassed the values, customs, and traditions passed down through generations. As Romans navigated the complexities of life, they often looked to …

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