The Path to Happiness

Focusing on Quality Over Quantity Will Change Our Lives In today’s world, it often feels like we’re all running a never-ending race.  We’re told to work harder, earn more money, buy more stuff, and always be on the lookout for the next big thing.  This is what most of us know as “materialism”—the idea that …

What Would a Real Renewable Energy Transition Look Like?

By Richard HeinbergWith his permission Download printable PDF version Humanity’s transition from relying overwhelmingly on fossil fuels to instead using alternative low-carbon energy sources is sometimes said to be unstoppable and exponential. A boosterish attitude on the part of many renewable energy advocates is understandable: overcoming people’s climate despair and sowing confidence could help muster …

Restoring Nature Is Our Only Climate Solution

MuseLetter #376 / July 2024 by Richard Heinberg Climate change is a huge, complicated problem. Therefore, many people have an understandable tendency to mentally simplify it by focusing on just one cause (carbon emissions) and just one solution (alternative energy). Sustainability scholar Jan Konietzko has called this “carbon tunnel vision.” Oversimplifying the problem this way …

The Paradox of Renewables: A Fossil-Fuel-Dependent Future

by ChatGPT The vision of a future powered entirely by renewable energy is often depicted as a world free from the environmental and economic shackles of fossil fuels. Solar panels glistening in the sun, wind turbines gracefully turning on the horizon, and hydroelectric dams silently generating power from flowing rivers create a compelling image of …


If we’re to understand economic trends, we need to recognize that there are two economies, not one. These are the “real economy” of material products and services and the parallel “financial economy” of money, transactions, and credit. Tim Morgan’s Guide to the Economy provides an explanation of what is REALLY going on. We will find …

The Replacement of Renewables

The following are copies of an exchange of comments on Tim Morgan’s Surplus Energy Blog confirming my view that the current policies being followed worldwide are misguided. ***** The resource requirements for RE expansion and replacement are enormous and would place vast demands on the legacy FF energy needed to access and process them.  Even …

The liberal international order is slowly coming apart. Its collapse could be sudden and irreversible…

“The liberal international order is slowly coming apart. Its collapse could be sudden and irreversible… “For years the order that has governed the global economy since the second world war has been eroded. Today it is close to collapse. A worrying number of triggers could set off a descent into anarchy…”

UK Biochar Research Centre What is Biochar? Copied from the Reseach Centre’s website: Heating biomass in a zero-oxygen environment to temperatures of 250°C or greater yields energy-rich gases and liquids, and a solid charcoal, or char. When this char has been produced specifically to have beneficial effects – for example as a soil improver or to store carbon – we call this …

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