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  • Do discretionary and essential spending and markets apply to localism?

    Question:  Will the concepts of discretionary and essential spending and markets apply in localism when the economy is based on families and extended families? ChatGPT Yes, even in a localism-based economy centred around families and extended families, the concepts of discretionary and essential spending and markets would still apply. Here’s how: Discretionary and Essential Spending:…

  • Banks Unwilling To Finance $5 Trillion Global Nuclear Development “The project risks, as we have seen in reality, seem to be very high,” said European Investment Bank Vice President Thomas Ostros, adding that countries need to focus more on renewables and energy efficiency. Ines Rocha, a director at the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, and Fernando Cubillos, a banker at the Development…

  • Thinking about the future

    When thinking about the future, the following facts have to be taken into account: The climate is changing and will continue to do so. Fossil fuels and derivatives will become increasingly expensive and unaffordable. The UK economy is shrinking and will continue to do so indefinitely. As a result: Prosperity is declining. Discretionary spending and…

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