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  • Delayering in a Shrinking Economy

    In a discussion on Tim Morgan’s blog, he says: … de-layering is going to eliminate huge numbers of white-collar jobs, and lots of intermediate/intermediary businesses, though I doubt if even the biggest corporate players really understand this yet. Not a subject which is reported much.  And yet layering was a key element of the growing…

  • An enlightening discussion between Nate Hagens and Kate Raworth

    About Doughnut Economics and much more Copied from Nate Hagens’s podcast The Great Simplification. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Nate’s Introduction Today, I am joined by the creator of Doughnut Economics, Kate Raworth, for a fantastic primer on the need for different economic measurements beyond the material wealth created by a society. As we expand further past planetary boundaries…

  • Does grass understand more about quantum thinking than we do?

    This is intriguing. Skip the ads to This Week’s Science News.

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