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  • The Paradox of Renewables: A Fossil-Fuel-Dependent Future

    by ChatGPT The vision of a future powered entirely by renewable energy is often depicted as a world free from the environmental and economic shackles of fossil fuels. Solar panels glistening in the sun, wind turbines gracefully turning on the horizon, and hydroelectric dams silently generating power from flowing rivers create a compelling image of…


    If we’re to understand economic trends, we need to recognize that there are two economies, not one. These are the “real economy” of material products and services and the parallel “financial economy” of money, transactions, and credit. Tim Morgan’s Guide to the Economy provides an explanation of what is REALLY going on. We will find…

  • Mould:  The not-so-silent threat in people’s homes

    In January 2023, I wrote about the silent threat lurking in people’s homes.  Surveyors have reported a tenfold increase in calls from worried landlords and homeowners who have discovered damp and mould hiding in their ­properties – and threatening to cause chaos. And how today’s standards may be tomorrow’s problems. Sooner than I expected, the BBC website…

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