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  • Fossil-Free Food Systems

    This 90 minute Roundtable podcast in Nate Hagens series the Great Simplification is fascinating. There are so many lessons which are relevant to the UK. To see the original go to The four speakers are as small-scale farmer Jason Bradford, permaculturist and documentarian Andrew Millison, regenerative agriculture activist Vandana Shiva, and regenerative farmer and…

  • When Idiot Savants Do Climate Economics

    How an elite clique of math-addled economists hijacked climate policy. Christopher Ketcham October 29 2023, 8:00 a.m. William Nordhaus, who turned 82 this year, was the first economist in our time to attempt to quantify the cost of climate change. His climate-modeling wizardry, which won him the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2018,…

  • COLLAPSE: Is humanity adapting to its own presence?

    Copied from The Automatic Earth. August 2012 Alexander Aston: I think about history … a lot. It has always been my deepest fascination. When I was little I would construct whole civilizations with my Legos and play out their existence. Monuments would be constructed, kings would die, wars would start, cities would be rebuilt, lineages…

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